
Showing posts from 2012

It's a Wonderful Life!

It's a wonderful life!!!!!! Yes it is, it has been and it will be. Everything in this lifetime makes me believe that it is - wonderful. Well for this realisation to come it may take different props for each individual but for sure it comes and at that time you feel you make your destiny. Life has given me the power to steer my life as I want to. The controls are in my hands so I am my leader. We always like the change in scenes and this is what happens. We see those changes coming along our path and it is for us to blend in those to gain maximum out of it. Gains can be in terms of happiness, success, monetary, love, acceptance, etc. so got to gain when we can because that scene is not permanent as our thoughts must have initiated the process of another change. So we just need to keep filling our basket. How I came about knowing that it's a wonderful life? Well it's been that change of scenes brought about by it and along with that the realisation of it all that set in

Life paralysed??

As I opened my eyes in the morning today, all I could see was a white blanket outside my window. Every little speck was layered with about one foot of snowfall! The sunshine illuminated the entire spectrum. It was a marvellous sight indeed, indescribable in words for sure! The water in the pipes and tanks had frozen so not a drop dripping…the only water trickling I could see was from the icicles formed on the roofs and as each droplet descended on the ground it froze right there!     The newspaper arrived very late and was stocked with headlines such as “Heavy snowfall paralyses life”. The detailed news gave an extensive report of blocked roads, lack of daily supplies of necessities like vegetables, milk, bread etc., snapped telephone lines, disrupted power and water supply, twisted electric poles, all forms of transportation at halt, tourists   trapped, etc. etc. etc. – life at a standstill and all thanks to the high velocity winds and one of the heaviest snowfalls in the recent