It's a Wonderful Life!

It's a wonderful life!!!!!!

Yes it is, it has been and it will be.

Everything in this lifetime makes me believe that it is - wonderful. Well for this realisation to come it may take different props for each individual but for sure it comes and at that time you feel you make your destiny.
Life has given me the power to steer my life as I want to. The controls are in my hands so I am my leader. We always like the change in scenes and this is what happens. We see those changes coming along our path and it is for us to blend in those to gain maximum out of it. Gains can be in terms of happiness, success, monetary, love, acceptance, etc. so got to gain when we can because that scene is not permanent as our thoughts must have initiated the process of another change. So we just need to keep filling our basket.

How I came about knowing that it's a wonderful life?
Well it's been that change of scenes brought about by it and along with that the realisation of it all that set into me. I was enjoying the wonderful ways of life unknowingly and now i see myself enjoying it all knowingly. And it feels good. The feeling that I control the way my life is coming along. Well it also takes away the benefits of blaming someone else for my life. And I'm sure everybody out there at times likes to blame it on something or someone else rather than take it on themselves.
What I have been bestowed upon in this life is immense. I'm grateful for it all. If I want to achieve something more in life then I have to set the karma rolling and put in the right ingredients to get what I want. The better I do the better it happens. The better it happens the better I feel. I feel better so I would do more to achieve more using the path I choose. The right ingredients and the right efforts will do the trick.  If you want to go right you can't steer yourself to the left and expect to achieve the desired result. Likewise a porter knows the speed he needs for the wheel and the combination of water and mud, so is the case with a chef.

How I came about knowing my life is wonderful?
As the realisation that I'm steering my life dawned on me, I started channelising myself to the thinking that everything that happens to me is because somehow somewhere I had planted a thought about it and the result is as per the efforts I put into realising that thought. I was the one who channelized that thought to positivity or negativity. If I'm being positive then it will be positive. So I make every effort to have that positive thing with me, but I'm no superhuman so I also think of failures but now these failures don't get me down because I know I made myself fail.  So I stay happy with what I have. And I can turn that failure into success too as I have THE POWER!

What makes my life wonderful?
It is my surroundings. It is the people around me. My family, my friends, the acquaintances, the helping hands, everybody I come across. They help me add to my understanding of life. The love, positivity, good wishes im showered with. It is the forces that surround me. But I can't stop as my mind doesn't let me to. It always wants more. And I try to get more. But this also makes life wonderful as striving for more gets me to do some more karma.

It's a wonderful life - I realised and accepted it, have you? Pause for a moment and just ponder over what makes your life wonderful...

Cheers to the Wonderful Life :)


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