
Showing posts from January, 2014

Me or the other me at 28…?

Photo Credit Let me tell you story of a girl, who’s turning 28, is still single and struggling her ways to make a career in unstable prospects. Ever since her childhood, she did the opposite of what she was told to. Her family history had already decided her fate that included graduating, working in a government job and ultimately to get married at 25 or so. Obviously she did not do any of that. Apparently, she was resistent to logical and stable ways. She left her day college for an evening one to pursue some odd jobs along with her college. This messed both her grades and earnings. Yet somehow, she managed to graduate and effortlessly got what hundreds of graduates still struggle to get- a job in a government department that required her to do significantly nothing yet promised handsome earnings. What did she do? She left that too for another undecided fate. Let me clarify that she wasn’t the creative sorts, who are too talented to do anything routine. She was just one of tho